Car Friendly Snacks That You Can Take Anywhere You Go

If you find yourself traveling in your car, on the road a lot, you are likely wanting to find simple and healthy alternatives when it comes to eating on the go. Without turning to fast food, or expecting yourself to become a master chef who can make quick and easy meals, here are a few […]

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Incorporate Fruit Into Your Diet Without Spoiling Your Appetite

Isn’t it ironic how when you were younger, it was much easier for your mom to convince you to eat fruit, whereas now eating fruit sort of poses a dilemma which has you knowing that you need fruit in your diet and yet at the same time you don’t want the fruit you eat to […]

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5 Times To Have Healthy Snacks Available

You aren’t going to end up with a complete food and nutrition plan for your life if you don’t seriously consider the topic of snacks. You can have as many healthy recipes as you want, and you can know all kinds of information about full mealtimes, but shelving some information inside your mind about that […]

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Salted Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I would like to go on record as stating that I was not in the market for a new chocolate chip cookie recipe. Maybe I’m getting a little cranky in my advanced food blogging age, but I have found little evidence over the years that there’s anything new to add to the chocolate chip cookie conversation. […]

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